...this blog captures in order the albums as I pull these gems off the shelf and groove to them .....

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Esquivel - Infinity (1960)

Esquivel - Infinity (1960)

     Juan Garcia Esquivel  was a composer and an arranger who really was one of the Lounge-lizard king pins of his day...  He released a number of albums in the late 50's and 60's that are today highly sought after by the growing re-surgence in Lounge music.   Esquivel was very concerned about the sound quality of his albums and I think on the Infinity series he made his mark.    Found somewhere in between lounge, jazz, big band and a certain experimentalism these albums just dont stop !    You must mix up a cosmic cocktail when listening to this album.......and maybe pull out the suede suit coat too !  With an air or "cheesy-ness" and yet something still seems just so cool about this album that I cant stop pulling it off the shelf.

You will find this vinyl album sitting in your local Bi-Way or Salvation Army thrift store record bins! 

  The perfect album for those nostalgic evenings out by the pool

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